Circulation Policy

  1. Circulation Policy


    1. Registration

All borrowers must be registered and on file or have a valid card from participating libraries to borrow library materials. Patrons fill out an application form to register for a new library card. The patron agrees to be responsible for all items borrowed, including items borrowed by other family members using their library card. Patrons agree to comply with library rules and policies and should give notice of any changes in address.

    1. Loan Periods


      1. Books are checked out for four week periods

      2. Generally, reference books do not circulate. Upon request, some reference materials may be checked out overnight.

      3. Interlibrary loans are due the date indicated by the lending library.

      4. Books may be renewed once if there is not a waiting list.

      5. Current Issues of periodicals do not circulate.

      6. Older issues of periodicals may be checked out for two weeks. These are limited to four magazines at a time. All magazines must be returned before patrons can checkout more.

      7. CD books are checked out for four week periods.

      8. Time limits are not placed on the “on your honor” paperbacks or duplicate and/or gift periodicals.

      9. DVD movies have a 7 day checkout unless otherwise approved by the librarian.


The director may establish the loan period for special collections such as town history books, plat books, materials which are temporarily in great demand. These books could be best sellers or student project books.


There is no set limit on the number of items a patron can borrow at one time. If the number of items requested is excessive, the immediate decision to limit is left to the discretion of the staff member currently at the check-out desk.


    1. Reserves

Reserves may be placed by patrons by phone or in person. Patrons will be notified by postcard or telephone when the materials are available. There is no charge to the patron for placing a reserve.


    1. Fines and Charges

A Two dollar ($2.00) fine is charged for overdue materials when a postcard is mailed reminding a patron that the due date has passed. A first notice is mailed approximately one week after the due date has elapsed. If the material is not returned within a designated period of time, a bill will be sent for the material with the cost of replacement of the material and a service charge for processing, cataloging and postage.

General Patron’s circulation date is 28 days, fine amount .10, fine period is 33 days, max fine is $4.00, grace period 5 days. Over dues are also sent by cell phone or e-mail messages.

Patrons who have been sent an overdue notice may be denied borrowing and computer privileges until overdue materials are returned or paid for if lost or damaged.


    1. Damaged materials

If materials are damaged so as to be judged by the library staff as being unsuitable for the collection, the patron must pay the replacement cost. A notice of these charges may be sent to the patron. It is up to the director to decide if the patron may be allowed to keep the damaged materials once payment has been received.